Squandering time
Squandering time is very much the same as squandering money: when you are in it, you just can't pull yourself out of it; you only realised what you have foolishly done when faced with the aftermath of it; and it's too late to regret it cuz it's irreversible.
Sighz. just wasted one whole day yesterday. when asked "what have you been doing?", i was like "umm... err..." -- no answer!
It's just amazing how capable i am at wasting time! i could just sit/lie/stone/laze ard or dilly-dally in the bathroom and HOURS could just pass by effortlessly! and i really mean
effortlessly! look, i need to learn how to study, i need to learn how to play the guitar, i need to learn what kind of clothes fit me etc etc... but i didn't have to make a conscious effort to learn how to waste time and
i just know to do it!
utterly disgusted.
then again, looking back at my entire student life, and then my relief teaching stint, once i am occupied with real stuff, i will naturally come to whine i have no time to tidy up, i have no time to read books, i have no time to read newspapers, i have no time to exercise blah blah blah...
So, it's either i am damn occupied that i complain i have no time for myself, OR, i have nothing to do that i have too much time to waste and rot myself away. How can i
ever be in-between these 2 extremes??? or, is there even such a thing as "in-between" in the first place? :(
1:20 PM