Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Long-overdue photos! :P

Bye Singapore! -sobz-

Glimpse of my room... This is how it looks the first day i moved in...

One of the Arts and Sciences buildings! Cornell has plenty of such gothic buildings!!

View of West Campus (seniors' on campus housing) atop Libe SLope

McGraw Clock Tower! My favourite!

The gorgeous Andrew White Library! Transported us to the world of Harry Potter! Whee!

One of the residence halls, Balch! This is the prettiest among all for the freshmen! (i mean the interior haha)

A photo of most of my singaporean buddies! except for the gal right of me -- she's my room mate!

Road advertisements! Lots of them here! Posters are less common here! hahaa

A pretty little waterfall we see everyday when we walk to central campus for lessons!

My chemistry building Baker Lab!

Out of point here, but this is for my les who requested for it! :)

okay, i will post many more fotos on shutterfly soon! be patient darlings/folks! i gotta rush for some stupid talk now!!

* 5:09 AM