Friday, December 23, 2005

Counting the days

For fear of morphing into a hibernating animal who only sleeps and whose metabolism rate is zero, and being utterly disgusted with my oversized mirror image, I have successfully motivated myself to get out of my room and walk around the deserted campus, even if it's just doing silly stuff like reading my own book in the library and snapping photos of the white campus like a spastic tourist...

This is the same waterfall as the one i took when i first arrived at cornell.. (find the photo in my earlier post!)

The famous (ok, famous in cornell la) Collegetown Bagels a.k.a. CTB!

My lunch, err no, brunch for today: Apple butter on toasted blueberry bagels. Yummy!

Anabel taylor chapel...

Baker Lab! I rmb when i finally decided to choose PUB/Cornell then, i wrote in my blog entry i'll take a photo of my Baker lab myself when i get here... :)

My favourite spot in campus now: the frozen Beebe lake! simply breathtaking!

No major mishaps for my first few attempts at (basic) cooking - aren't you proud of me? ( Oh, btw, cooking, by my definition, is anything that requires me to use pot and stove) Actually, i must admit, it's rather fun to plan what to eat, shop for groceries and make your own meals, even if it includes washing up after every meal. Well i can say this because i have all the time in the world now; cooking would be nothing but a chore if i have lots of homework/essays/lab reports/prelims piling on me right now.

i accidentally saw my final grades online -- 'accidentally' because they are supposed to be out only on 27th dec. haha...

Christina, guojian and huangyu agree that it is damn HOT in singapore. lol... actually, i already don't feel cold in the current -5 deg celcius weather. isn't it amazing that when subjected to decreases in temperature in progressive stages, your body will automatically be able to adapt? I think i can wear just t-shirt and short skirt in san francisco ahaha...

New york city public transportation is in chaos right now. why am i the only one who is unconcerned about the strike?? hmm...

Love is the only rational act -- Tuedays with Morrie

* 7:00 AM